Telehealth Therapy Groups for Moms


Moms of Teen Boys: Meets Wednesdays 8:30-9:30am from 9/22/21 - 11/10/21, 6 people max per group, 8 sessions over 8 weeks, $100 per session ($800 total, payment due prior to 1st group.)

An authentic safe. place for Moms of Teen Boys to share their struggles around raising boys. We will discuss the myriad of problems experienced by our teens as well as how these problems impact us as Moms.

Topics of Discussion:

1)    Openness & Curiosity vs. Defensiveness

2)    Communication & Engagement

3)    Combating Negativity

4)    Coping Skills

5)    Problem Solving Skills

6)    Setting Limits while avoiding power struggles

7)    Screen time & Creating Balance

8)    Promoting Resilience


This group will be a supportive outlet for Moms. Any and all issues facing teens or any challenges with parenting will be discussed.

Parenting teens is harder than it looks. This group offers support, encouragement as well as skill building to help Moms feel confident and competent while raising healthy sons.

Please print out, fill-in, scan and email back the Therapy Intake Forms, Telehealth Consent Form, and Group Therapy Consent Form. Once you email the forms to beth@erjcounseling.com, you are registered!

The day before the initial meeting, you will receive the Zoom link for the first Moms group.